This blog is dedicated to my life and adventures here in Mexico City and the rest of the Republic of Mexico.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Reentering the Blogosphere

Yes, I am making the big reentry, finally. It has taken quite some time and after swallowing my shame I am finally ready to come back. I attribute it all to that voice inside my head urging me to post once again, or in reality, my friend Dylan Gipson sending me emails wondering why the hell I haven't updated my blog since October...

Until I can get fully back up and running I’ll hope to keep you entertained with the following photos that are part of a collection I am putting together entitled, “Scenes From the Street,” which is intended to be a brief look at the people and vendors adding the color and flavor to Mexican street culture.

San Luis Potosi_Frutas.JPG
San Luis Potosi_Nuns.JPG
Mexico DF_Mariachi's.JPG
Coyoacan_Shaved Ice.JPG
Aztec Dancers.JPG
La Alemeda_Elotes.JPG
Near Valle del Bravo_Camion de Basura.JPG


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you're back..... surely you have more to add once again. So, hobnobbing w/the Ambassador and the beer magnate!!! loved the Scenes from the Streets, keep those coming! Love you, kcw

8/24/2006 1:07 PM


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