This blog is dedicated to my life and adventures here in Mexico City and the rest of the Republic of Mexico.

Sunday, August 21, 2005


ever wonder what a pacific coast sunset in Acapulco looked like? Here's a pretty good idea.

Acapulco sunset

Acapulco sunset 2

These aren't nearly as descriptive as Diego Rivera's paintings of Acapulco on display at the Dolores Olmedo Museum, but you can see where he got the inspiration.

Acapulco panoramic


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody likes a show-off, Tim.

Kidding! Wow.

8/25/2005 6:16 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must be dying to get back to the states....

8/29/2005 3:19 PM

Blogger Sexy Thought said...

I agree with Corey. lol. Honestly, these pictures are wonderful. Wish I were there with you.

10/02/2005 4:59 AM


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