This blog is dedicated to my life and adventures here in Mexico City and the rest of the Republic of Mexico.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

"Deep Thoughts", with Tony Garza

Episode 1. September 20, 2005. Lomas de Chapultepec, Mexico City.

Once I was at a reception for the Association of Fulbright-Garcia Robles grantees hosted by Antonio O. Garza, US Ambassador to Mexico. We were at his house listening to jazz and sipping cocktails with some of Mexico City's biggest players from the private and public sectors. We took a picture with him and his wife, Maria Asuncion, the majority owner of Grupo Modelo.

USAmb group foto.jpg

My boy Tony pulled me aside and asked for my ideas on the current state of US-Mexico relations, so I told him. We were laughing.

USAmb and TCW.jpg

Dia de la Independencia, September 16th, 2005

The date was September 15, 2005 and we were in Coyoacan, a well known artist/bohemian neighborhood in the south of the city. I had three friends in town from the city of Monterrey, 8 hours to the north of Mexico City. Juan, Raul and Iliana joined Marcela and I and we headed out to celebrate what is called "el Grito de Dolores," or the "Shout from Dolores." Dolores is a small town in the central state of Guanajuato where Don Miguel Hidalgo, a criollo and the town's parish priest, in 1810 rang the church bell and ignited Mexico's fight for independence from Spanish rule with a famous speech ending in, "Viva Mexico!"

Nowadays, the annual Independence Day celebration involves the gathering of Mexicans in central plazas within their respective cities or neighborhoods to participate in a reenactment of Hidalgo's speech, which always involves "Viva...!" and the names of important historical figures from the Independence and Revolutionary movements. For the young crowd, intensely motivated by the pride of their ancestors, it also involves some beer and of course a round or two of tequila,

Indep_beer.JPGIndep_Juan, Marce, Raul.JPGIndep_cheers.JPG

the national flag,

silk screens small enough to plaster your the national colors on your face,
Indep_face paint.JPGIndep_Juan.JPG

and fireworks,

all finished up with some late night snacking.
marcela y esquitesCoyoacan_Esquites.JPG

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Reentering the Blogosphere

Yes, I am making the big reentry, finally. It has taken quite some time and after swallowing my shame I am finally ready to come back. I attribute it all to that voice inside my head urging me to post once again, or in reality, my friend Dylan Gipson sending me emails wondering why the hell I haven't updated my blog since October...

Until I can get fully back up and running I’ll hope to keep you entertained with the following photos that are part of a collection I am putting together entitled, “Scenes From the Street,” which is intended to be a brief look at the people and vendors adding the color and flavor to Mexican street culture.

San Luis Potosi_Frutas.JPG
San Luis Potosi_Nuns.JPG
Mexico DF_Mariachi's.JPG
Coyoacan_Shaved Ice.JPG
Aztec Dancers.JPG
La Alemeda_Elotes.JPG
Near Valle del Bravo_Camion de Basura.JPG