This blog is dedicated to my life and adventures here in Mexico City and the rest of the Republic of Mexico.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Pursuing the Fine Art of Youthful Exuberance since 1980

SPABfest, September 9th-11th, 2005
Doswell, VA

SPAB logo

I can’t think of a better time to see this motto in action than at SPABfest. Yes, it is pursued. It is even attained. I saw Dave (Big) around the campfire at 3 in the morning. That’s pretty damn youthful. My Dad even camped out on Friday night. That is some serious exuberance.

The SPAB Bluegrass Band 3 The SPAB Bluegrass Band Me and my old man

Every September somewhere between 300-400 people born in decades ranging from the 40’s to the 90’s, and hell, beyond, bring their tents, campers, and trailers and drive off the paved road to gather at SPABcamp in Doswell, VA for an indisputably memorable weekend. There’s the camping, the party, the Big SPAB Potluck Dinner, old friends, new friends, my friends and my parent’s friends, but more than anything, there’s the music. I’m particularly partial to the SPAB Bluegrass band, what with their killer 2, 3, and sometimes 4 part harmonies; songs about trains, mamas, mountains, and cheatin’; and well my Dad does rock the mandolin. I can’t not mention the lineup of non-SPABnomenclature bands like Carbon Dated and Huckiddy Players that rattled the stage (literally this year). The SPAB Jazz Band and The Big SPAB Band (Big=22 players in total) sure do hold their own as well, and one thing is for sure, they’ve all come a long way since they were rehearsing in my parent’s garage more than 8 years and 2 houses ago. Everyone who’s spent a night at SPABfest knows that the real fun happens after the ticketed bands leave the stage and the jamming begins. SPABers have been known to still be out blowing horns and strumming guitars at into the wee hours of the morning.

SPABers The Motley Crew

Each year SPABfest gets bigger and better, the SPABcommunity grows stronger, and I see more people whose names I used to know but can’t remember because I haven’t seen them since I was still living in Richmond more than 6 years ago. One of this year’s more important additions to SPABfest was the Hurricane Katrina – SPABoutreach. Although the final tallies are not yet in, Dave (Big) has informed us that initial counts put SPAB’s donation to the Red Cross at $1600.

For the non-knowers and generally less fortunate out there that do not know what SPAB means, well I hope this posting will give you a better idea. SPAB stands for the Society for the Preservation of Adolescent Behavior. Yes, you read that correctly. There is an Official SPAB Animal, the Flounderham, which comes equipped with its own theme song of the same name, and the Official SPAB Song, entitled, “We Are the SPAB.” What more is there?

Mason's Halo Me and my old man

SPABfest is indeed a great time and this year was no exception. I got to see my family and had two great friends come and camp with me. To the folks and the sisters, it was great seeing you and I’m glad you all camped out at least one night. To Corey and Cindi, thanks for coming and representing DC in Doswell! It wouldn’t have been nearly as fun without any of them there.

Until next September rolls around, as Dave (Big) likes to say, “Stick around! We’re having a good time!”